Welcome to Spanish 200: Introductory Spanish I, the first of two three-credit, introductory-level courses based on Beginner Spanish OER.
Welcome to SPAN 201: Spanish for Beginners II, the second of two three-credit, introductory-level courses.

SPAN 300 consists of four integrated components: grammar, vocabulary, culture, and literature. The course reviews and further develops basic language skills acquired in First Year Spanish.

SPAN 301 consists of four integrated components: grammar, vocabulary, culture, and literature. The course reviews and further develops basic language skills acquired in First Year Spanish. The emphasis is on reviewing and learning grammar structures and on vocabulary acquisition. The objective of SPAN 301 is to strengthen both written and oral skills that will enable students to communicate in a variety of contexts.

SPAN 330 has been designed to target reading and writing skills while increasing vocabulary and improving grammar.

SPAN 400 reviews and further develops language skills acquired in the first two years of Spanish.